Saturday, May 16, 2009

We Can All Learn From Communists

Karl Marx once said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
And, believe it or not, I agree.

What Marx meant by this is that religion is something people look to to make themselves feel better. They have a religion to comfort themselves when someone dies or something goes wrong. Religion is a way of lying to make oneself feel good about his choices, past, and future.

Most Christians find this quote offensive. "Religion is truth" they say. Not true.

Religion isn't what's important. Faith is what really matters. Anyone can label themselves with a religion, such as Christianity, but faith is the important part. You can call yourself a Christian, but if you don't have faith that Jesus is the Christ, Son of God, and all that that implies, it doesn't really mean anything. Many people turn to Christianity, but do not really believe these things. They want the label for one reason or another. The label doesn't matter. Catholic, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational, whatever. What matters is being part of the Body of Christ.

I could start calling myself a genius, but that wouldn't make it true. I could say my hair is blonde, but that doesn't change the reality. Truth and Faith come only from Christ Jesus, and our relationship and response to Him are what actually matters.

Don't let religion be your opiate. Make sure you really believe what you claim, then take action and live your life for your real beliefs. To call yourself a Christian and not be changed isn't Truth, and it is not honouring to God.


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